Dab a drop of mild dish. I recently met a guy with a super nice frame rocking an old school lined bifocal. Duraclear Anti Reflective Lens Coating Youtube What you will see if you have an anti-reflective coating is a bit of glare but mostly a greenish and pinkish. . Its not something you can DIY. First though you have to make sure that your glasses dont already possess this option. Clean the dash with a suitable solvent isopropyl alcohol wiping on. So youd better buy a new pair. How much does anti reflective coating costThis technologically advanced coating helps to significantly reduce reflections giving you clearer vision by allowing 998 of available light through the lens and making it resistant to condensation. Place the lenses in a glass baking pan and put them in the oven. Checking your existing lenses for this coating is relatively simple. Also known as ar coatings anti reflective coatings are a laye...